A summary of Y Combinator's Jared Friedman's 5 strategies to generate business ideas.
I break down a few things consumer apps all share in common that led to major break-out successes.
Y Combinator's Idea Framework can help you figure out which idea to double-down on and when to pivot.
9 B2B Database Tools You Need To Know
A self-written guide on how the Weights and Biases CEO approaches sales
Altman's prioritization method and the little idiosynracies he does daily.
Noah introduces a simple framework to entrepreneurs to validate faster and easier.
Software businesses are complex assets where one may think "no revenue, no value" but others see your "users" can see your users as "ideal" and lead it to grow.
For many solopreneurs starting international digital businesses, Stripe payment can lead to expensive tax events. We recommend another solution instead.
Mindy is the Chief of Staff for solopreneurs. Just 1 e-mail away.
A writing strategy by Pat Walls to help grow Starter Story's SEO to the top of the rankings